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Money management in Fantasy leagues

As we all know the opportunities offered by the Fantasy sports sites are increasing tremendously every day. The most popular sites like DraftKings, Fantasy Feud, Draftster, Sports Tradex and FantasyAces offer daily, weekly and monthly competitions on such a scale that if one wishes, he or she could play all the time. The wide variety of games and opportunities, however, requires professional players to think carefully how to distribute the finances in Fantasy leagues, so eventually their endeavor to be both enjoyable and profitable.

In this post, I will explain in details my way of distributing the money. I am not saying that my way is the best possible for fantasy sports, but certainly I do a good job and it deserves to be considered carefully.

When it comes to Fantasy Sports I mainly play h2h matches (several daily, up to ten) plus participation in daily tournaments. However, the latter are just for fun, as I mainly try to win the h2h matches I participate in. The basic rule in h2h matches in Fantasy leagues that I follow is to carefully evaluate my opponents, giving them a rating from 1 to 10. In this case, the higher the rating is, the weaker the player is. The best players I meet I evaluate them with one. So, based on this evaluation, I decide what percentage of my bankroll I am going to use in every match. You see that the weaker my opponents is, the more money I am ready to play with in the match.

This is one of the most important assets a player must have when we talk about fantasy league games. It is important to be flexible and to take the most that your opponent gives you.

Every month I set a budget for participating in h2h Fantasy league matches and another budget for participating in fantasy leagues tournaments. According to the plan, if I happen to spend my budget, I don’t play anymore on matches or on paid tournaments. If this happens I start playing in free roll tournaments that big sites like Fantasy Sports Draftster, DraftKings, Sports Tradex, FantasyAces and Fantasy Feud offer all the time. This will keep my form and help me follow my strict discipline. Something, which is highly important if a player wants to earn money from Fantasy leagues.

Another important rule I follow in my money management is when I win a h2h match in fantasy leagues I don’t reinvest the earnings, but rather save them away. At the end of the month, if it is necessary I restore the original budget and add another 20% from my profits in order to expand my possibilities. The remaining 80% is my pure profit for this month.

Some would say that this is a very conservative method of money management, even for Fantasy leagues, but I think it is particularly suitable if you want to make money from your h2h matches.

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